(406) 459-2776
Apex Engineering, PLLC

Metals Removal at the Central Treatment Plant
Apex Engineering has served as process engineer for the Bunker Hill Central Treatment Plant since 1999, leading efforts in plant optimization, effluent quality improvement and cost reduction.   This 2000-gpm lime treatment plant removes metals from acid rock drainage at a large Superfund site prior to discharge to a trout stream.  Following modifications to plant operations (at no capital cost), annual operating costs were recently reduced by $110,000.   Apex served as design team leader for approximately $3 million in plant upgrades in 2003-2005.   The ultimate client for this work is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is under contract from the U.S. EPA to operate the treatment plant.
The upgraded CTP for metals removal
The first step of the CTP for metals removal
Improved controls for metals removal
Huge clarifier for metals removal after mine water treatment
The Central Treatment Plant and Silver Mountain ski area
Aeration Basin for metals oxidation and mixing
New control building
236-ft-diameter clarifier emptied for upgrade work
Here's a presentation on the project: